Real Science Exchange

Meet your host of Real Science Exchange

Episode Summary

Tune in to meet one of your hosts, Scott Sorrell, and get a sneak peek of what to expect from future Real Science Exchange podcasts. Just a hint, it's not your typical science podcast.

Episode Notes

Grab a drink and enjoy getting to know one of the Real Science Exchange podcast hosts, Scott Sorrell. While Scott did not grow up on a dairy farm, he's spent his career working in the dairy nutrition field and has a great passion for the dairy industry. 

Scott provides a preview of what listeners can expect from future podcasts. The episodes will dive into hot topics in the dairy industry. Think of each podcast episode as the conversations around the table over a few drinks after the industry meetings. You know, the chats where all the real work gets done. 

Each episode, you'll hear from industry-leading scientists, topic experts and nutritionists that will bring perspectives from bench-top research to the farm level. 

To recommend a topic for future podcasts, email

Episode Transcription

Scott Sorrell (00:08):

Welcome to The Real Science Exchange, a podcast series where we'll take a new look at what's happening in dairy science, both from our research standpoint and all the way to practical recommendations that can be employed on the farm. Hi, my name is Scott Sorrell, and I'll be your host on this journey. As we explore new insights in dairy nutrition, the real science exchange we'll meet every two weeks over a few drinks. We'll share a casual conversation among leading scientists and noted nutritionists. We'll get to know top theory, researchers like you've never known them before. We'll get to hear the conversations that happen behind the scenes. Like the ones that take place over a few drinks with friends, join us as we cuss and discuss the latest trends, topics, and issues facing the dairy industry today. It's like a double shot of dairy science insight. Let me give you a little background about me before we get any farther along here, though.

Scott Sorrell (01:01):

I didn't grow up on a dairy farm. I've spent my entire career in dairy nutrition. My first job out of college was as a sales rep for a local feed company in central Ohio. While this was a multi-species territory, I found myself gravitating to the dairy farms in my area. There was just something different about the dairy industry and the dairyman that I had the pleasure of working with. I still remember many of their names, Tom Keller, Bill Hosteteller, Carlton Rouse, John Heirs, just to name a few, I had to be careful. They didn't show up around mealtime or I'd be invited to join. Just as a welcome member of the family. I was hooked. I fell in love with the dairy industry and as they say, the rest is history. Dr. Clay Zimmerman will be my cohost for the real science exchange. And we'll get to know him a little bit more in the next episode, play as an icon in the dairy industry and has conducted research with many of our future guests to the real science exchange, our enthusiasm and curiosity for dairy science and the dairy industry is really what led us to create the real science exchange throughout my career.

Scott Sorrell (02:07):

I've attended many scientific meetings and events. Formal presentations were informative, the real conversations and where new ideas are hatched. That takes place around the bar with a few drinks and a cocktail napkin. That's what's going to be happening here. Folks. Each episode will feature one or several top researchers to discuss a variety of topics related to dairy nutrition. We're also bringing in an on farm perspective by inviting a field nutritionist to join us each week. You can expect the conversation to be sometimes get a little bit spicy as we tackle some controversial issues and share a few new ones. The topic for our first episode came out of requests and feedback from the real science lecture series. Just as a side note, we've been conducting a virtual scientific webinars since April, and I've had some great feedback from many of our participants, much like this podcast series, the webinars are rooted in science and completely noncommercial.

Scott Sorrell (03:06):

They delve deeply into many of the topics our audience has asked for. So back to our first science exchange episode, we will be discussing not protein with the exponential rise in the value of milk. Protein dairies are looking to maximize milk protein content in their milk. Our first guests will be Dr. Mike Van Amburgh from Cornell University and to bring the practical side of the equation, we've invited Dr. Buzz Burhans with the Dairy Tech Group to join us. We'll share the current science about increasing the protein and we'll share the practical tips that buzz uses on the farm, but we'll also talk longterm. Where should the industry go when it comes to me and I'll ask them nutrition, and that's what you can expect from every episode though. I think you'll find the conversation to be a bit unexpected at times. We'll talk through current science.

Scott Sorrell (03:58):

We'll also look at alternative views what might not be mainstream, and we'll also bring it back to the practical view of what's happening on the farm. We'll release a new episode twice monthly, starting on October on all the popular podcast platforms. So be sure to subscribe and share it with your friends and colleagues, just to wrap up the introductory episode. This won't be your typical science podcast expect to have your current thinking challenged and have some fun along the way, learned something new about each of the guests, and maybe it's something you're going to be able to use. The next thing you see them at the next scientific meeting, a win. And if we're able to the join together in person, if you're interested in a specific topic, please make sure to reach out to us. Send us an email at And so thank you for joining us today. And we'll look forward to seeing you the next time on the real science exchange, where it's always happy hour. The conversations are sometimes saucy and you're always among friends.